Welcome To Kels Olympia Sanitizer

Olympia Sanitizer is an aqueous solution that contains a carefully balanced combination of oxidants, including the potent and naturally occurring compound Hypochlorous Acid (HOCI).

Our Technology

Olympia Sanitizer is a powerful replacement for traditional chemical disinfecting and sterilisation processes. The product uses only natural elements in the activation and has been repeatedly proven to be safe for humans yet lethal against a myriad of pathogens. Olympia Sanitizer has secured numerous approvals for use as an advanced disinfectant. With a pH of around 7.0, Olympia Sanitizer is safe to ingest, wash with and inhale: it is an incredibly versatile product that can be used both in industry and in the home, including in the processing and production of food and beverages



Single-celled microorganisms that can exist either as independent (free-living) organisms or as parasites (dependent on another organism for life). Examples of bacteria include E. coli, which lives in the colon and can cause disease elsewhere; or Streptococcus, the bacterium that causes the common throat infection called strep throat.

Bacterial Spores

Bacterial spores are highly resistant, dormant structures. While they do not have a role in reproduction, they do support the survival of harmful organisms. Spores are highly resistant to heat and many chemicals, including most disinfectants. Spores can survive for many years in soil and other inanimate objects.


Company consider service after sale is key element for success and do our best to keep customers satisfied.Company make sure to hire experienced biomedical engineers who can solve the most complicated issue in the shortest time.

General Medical Equipment

Medical division focuses on healthcare product categories and are involved in the import, marketing, sales and service of Medical Equipments & Veterinary products. Medical division is a leading provider to healthcare market including:


Kels laboratory division is engaged in the sales and maintenance of laboratory analyzers,Microscopy,external and internal quality controls,Cold Chain solutions,Pre-analytical apparatus and consumables.


Mould is defined as a growth of fungus that occurs on food, in the home or in any other moist, warm conditions

Olympia Sanitizer works by harnessing the power of HOCI - one of the most potent disinfectants known, and one which occurs naturally in the human body


Our bodies produce HOCI when fighting off bacteria and viruses. This is part of a remarkable defence mechanism that is incredibly effective at destroying invading microorganisms. Due to it containing HOCI, Olympia Sanitizer is an efficacious disinfectant that imitates our own immune system: it’s this composition that makes Olympia Sanitizer unique. Olympia Sanitizer can be added to steam, ice and water to ensure effective sterilisation of a broad range of environments. Olympia Sanitizer can also be used to increase the shelf life of foods such as fresh fish and meat. No other chemically based disinfectant can perform all of these functions.

Our accreditations

Our technology has secured FDA and EU approvals for use in industry, including in food and beverage processing, surface disinfecting, and medical and dental applications in the UK, Germany, USA and South Africa. Olympia Sanitizer has accreditations for full profile safety and antimicrobial efficacy. Ongoing quality control is undertaken by the Russian Research and Development Institute – the inventor
and rights holder of the technology behind the Olympia Sanitizer product since 1974

Safety Assured

Olympia Sanitizer is:

• pH neutral, gentle and non-irritating.
• Effective in eliminating and controlling biofilm and its regrowth.
• Fast-acting, killing bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast (wild strains) and mould in minutes.
• The only natural disinfectant and sanitisation solution of its kind that is safe for use in
all food environments.
• A broad-spectrum, natural antimicrobial solution that supports safer production of
food and beverages.
• Subject to regular quality control checks.

Other Advantages

• A total and complete solution for all sterilisation requirements.
• Enhanced microbial and biofilm control provides confidence that organisations are offering
quality assured products and conforming with HACCP requirements.
• Can be fogged at low concentrations to ensure cost-effective surface decontamination.
• For water sterilisation, Olympia Sanitizer allows Sanitisation in Place
as an inclusion of <10% falls within the portable water standard.
• Easy and safe to apply, requiring no special handling procedures
or safety equipment.
• Hazard chemical free.
• No harmful chemicals need to be stored, processed or disposed
of post cleaning of the plant.
• Safe to humans and kind to the environment.
• Highly effective in fighting harmful pathogens.
• Testing shows pathogens have not developed resistance to Olympia

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